Our Plan Is Simple
"Your coin, your voice" 

Developing this "community" coin is an exciting opportunity to involve the community in the development and usage of a cryptocurrency. We are suggesting these steps, including developing a white paper, forming partnerships, creating a utility use case, launching the coin, and continuing development and community involvement, the community coin can become a valuable asset in the world of cryptocurrency.

"Innovation for all"

What can we do together?

Developing a community coin is an exciting opportunity to involve the community in the development and usage of a cryptocurrency.

This plan outlines the steps to develop a "community" coin, including developing the white paper, forming partnerships, and creating a utility use case for the coin.

Step 1: Develop the White Paper
The first step in developing a "community" coin is to create a white paper. The white paper should describe the goals, features, and benefits of the coin. It should also outline the technical specifications and the team behind the project. To involve the community in the development of the white paper, create a survey or forum where community members can submit feedback and suggestions. Consider hiring a professional writer to create the white paper, but ensure that it accurately reflects the community's goals and values.

Step 2: Form Partnerships
To increase the adoption and usage of the "community" coin, it is important to form partnerships with businesses and organizations. Look for companies that align with the values of the community and have a large customer base. Offer incentives for these companies to accept the community coin as a means of payment, such as lower transaction fees. In addition, form partnerships with other cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects. This will help increase exposure and credibility for the "community" coin.

Step 3: Create a Utility Use Case
A utility use case is essential for the success of a "community" coin. Consider creating a decentralized application (dApp) that utilizes the coin as a means of payment or governance. Involve the community in the development of the dApp by soliciting feedback and suggestions. In addition, consider creating a charity or non-profit organization that accepts the community coin as a means of donation. This will help promote the coin's value proposition and increase its adoption.

Step 4: Launch the "Community" Coin Once the white paper is complete, partnerships have been formed, and a utility use case has been created, it is time to launch the "community" coin. Create a marketing plan that includes social media campaigns, press releases, and community outreach. Consider launching the coin through an initial coin offering (ICO) or airdrop. This will help raise funds for development and increase awareness of the coin.

Step 5: Continued Development and Community Involvement After the launch, it is important to continue to develop the community coin and involve the community in its usage and development. Create a community forum or chat where members can ask questions and provide feedback. Consider holding regular meetings or conferences to discuss the coin's progress and future goals. 

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The new cryptocurrency, which we will call "Community" Coin, will be developed with the goal of meeting the community's needs. We will gather feedback from various sources, including social media, forums, and surveys, to understand what the community wants in a cryptocurrency.


The New "Community" Coin Features:

1. Privacy: "Community" Coin will offer complete anonymity for its users. Transactions will be encrypted, and user identities will remain anonymous. This feature will provide users with increased privacy and security.

2. Decentralized: "Community" Coin is a decentralized cryptocurrency. This means that it is not controlled by any central authority or government. Transactions are processed through a decentralized network, which makes them faster and more secure.

3. Fast Transactions: "Community" Coin will be developed to process transactions quickly. This means that users can make payments in real-time, without any delay.

4. User-Friendly: "Community" Coin has been designed to be user-friendly. The interface is simple and easy to use, even for those who are new to cryptocurrency.

5. Low Fees: "Community" Coin has low transaction fees, making it a cost-effective option for users.

6. Stable: "Community" Coin is a stable cryptocurrency. Its value will not fluctuate dramatically, making it a reliable investment option.

7. Community Involvement: "Community" Coin allows the community to decide on its course of action and development. Community members can submit proposals and vote on them using the blockchain. This feature ensures that the cryptocurrency is transparent and democratic.

8. Fixed Supply: "Community" Coin has a fixed supply equal to the economy of the whole world. This means that its value will remain stable over time, and it is not subject to inflation or deflation. 



1. Communication: The developers must keep the community informed about the progress of the coin's development, upcoming changes, and potential issues that may arise. They should be open to feedback and suggestions from the community.

2. Transparency: The developers must be transparent about the coin's technical specifications, distribution, and governance structure. This will help build trust within the community.

3. Security: The developers must ensure that the coin is secure from potential attacks or vulnerabilities. They should conduct regular security audits and address any issues promptly.

4. Fairness: The developers must ensure that the coin's distribution is fair and equitable. They should avoid any preferential treatment or bias towards certain individuals or groups.

5. Accountability: The developers must be accountable for their actions and decisions. They should take responsibility for any mistakes or errors and work to rectify them.



1. Participation: The participants must actively engage in the development process by providing feedback, suggestions, and ideas. They should also participate in community discussions and decision-making processes.

2. Support: The participants must support the coin's development by spreading awareness, investing in the coin, and contributing to its growth.

3. Respect: The participants must respect the opinions and perspectives of other members of the community. They should avoid personal attacks or hostility towards others.

4. Responsibility: The participants must take responsibility for their actions within the community. They should abide by the community's rules and regulations and refrain from any behavior that could harm the coin's reputation or success.

5. Awareness: The participants must stay informed about the coin's development, changes, and potential risks. They should conduct their own research and seek out reliable sources of information.

When individuals are involved in the development of the "Community" Coin, they are more likely to be invested in its success. By participating in the development process and receiving rewards for their contributions, community members are incentivized to help promote and grow the coin.

You will be rewarded with a new Token called "Lydian Lion Gold" (LLiONG).
Contract Address

Once the "Community" coin is launched, LLiONG can be exchanged for the "community" coin.


The more you participate in our development activities the more the rewards you will get.


Edmonton, AB



